Kajsa Hartig

A blog about Cultural Heritage and Digital Communication

Keep calm and write 100 blog posts – again #Blogg100

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So tonight I just will not have time to write a decent blog post. And I’m not even inspired to write a simple post, or to share other people’s content. My thoughts on the blog challenge so far this year:

  1. Yes i DO need a content calendar, as I have for accounts that I manage for others, and it’s not that time consuming to create one. No 1 on my to do-list.
  2. It’s certainly tempting to work more with other people’s content. Curating, commenting and re-blogging. And why shouldn’t I? There are so many brilliant people out there already producing great content.
  3. I should spend time planning, when I have time, not when I am too busy to even think about content.
  4. Writing intensely each day is a valuable lesson and it is a boost to develop thoughts on social media and museums.



Blog post 11/100 #Blogg100-challenge

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