Kajsa Hartig

A blog about Cultural Heritage and Digital Communication

QR-pedia: Wiki-articles in your language on mobile platforms

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I hope you haven’t missed this news:

”As an increasing number of people access the internet from their mobile phones Wikipedia needs to become increasingly mobile. Recently we wrote about the new mobile frontend but how do you get to a Wikipedia article in the first place, especially if you don’t know what you’re looking for or don’t speak the local language?

Introducing QRpedia.
QR codes – barcodes for the internet – have been around for decades and the technology is increasingly being used in everything from street advertising to museum object labels. QRpedia takes the concept one step further to allow a single QR code to send you seamlessly to the mobile-friendly version of any Wikipedia article in your own language. This system is unique to Wikipedia because no other website has manually created links between languages across such an incredible breadth of topics.”

A great initiative, very simple user interface, and definately something worthwhile cheking out for museums, I believe. And check out theis QR-code, it’s an article about Sweden in Swedish. Do you get it in your language?

Read full story >>

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